Puppy Keeps Peeing Inside? Here’s What to Do

You probably want your puppy to go potty outside, but instead, they keep having accidents in the house. If you’re wondering how to stop your puppy from peeing indoors, this article will address that, while also answering common questions like why puppies have accidents, how long the housetraining process takes, and how to fix common issues. It’s important to understand that it’s completelyContinue readingPuppy Keeps Peeing Inside? Here’s What to Do

Using dog food as training treats (budget & calorie-friendly)

If you are actively training your dog (be that a new puppy or a dog with lots of behavior modification to do), you will require a good amount of food rewards. This is non-negotiable, but many pet guardians worry about giving their dogs too many treats. I feel you! If you are concerned about extra calories, afraid that your dog getting too spoiledContinue readingUsing dog food as training treats (budget & calorie-friendly)

Resource guarding or a sudden aggression towards the pet owner.

There are a few reasons why a dog can show aggression (growling, barking, snapping, and lounging) towards its pet parent, but the most common cause is resource guarding or, in other terms, possession aggression. This type of aggression happens when the dog is guarding their food bowl, a chew treat, a favorite toy, a dog bed, a couch, or a favorite human. InContinue readingResource guarding or a sudden aggression towards the pet owner.

How do I prevent people from petting my nervous, reactive dog?

If your dog meets the criteria below, you should actively prevent others from petting or approaching it. Shy, anxious, nervous, reactive, barky, snappy dogs should always be protected by being approached by other people (especially kids) and other dogs and dog walkers. To do so, you can use visual messages to ask people for space, not petting your dog, and tell them yourContinue readingHow do I prevent people from petting my nervous, reactive dog?

Best books on dog training

Perfect Puppy In 7 Days by Sophia Yin It’s a geeky way to learn about puppies and dogs. With 176 pages and over 400 photos, Dr. Yin explains why puppies do what they do, how even minor modifications in their environment and your inter-actions can dramatically affect their behavior, and how quickly they can learn when you set them up for success. ThisContinue readingBest books on dog training

How to keep your dog cool in a summer heat.

The SF Bay area is experiencing a major heat wave this summer! This article recommends some tips for quickly cooling your dog and products that will keep it cool longer. Learn to recognize signs of overheating. First, let’s quickly overview the signs of your dog overheating. During hot summer days, dogs that exercise too much or cannot regulate their body heat can getContinue readingHow to keep your dog cool in a summer heat.

Calming solutions for dogs

This list covers calming solutions beyond prescribed medication. It can be used during stressful events, such as staying home alone, fireworks or storms, or if your dog is sound sensitive and needs help staying calm. These solutions can slightly or significantly reduce stress levels in your dog, but they are not guaranteed to create a miracle. Some of the listed items help aContinue readingCalming solutions for dogs

How to keep your dog calm and safe during 4th of July fireworks

Dogs are not big fans of fireworks or busy, loud gatherings. Some of you already know that your dog will be terrified during fireworks, and some of you brand-new dog owners will yet discover that. Common issues during fireworks time: In this article, I will share practical tips for the safest way to survive fireworks with your dog. If this is your firstContinue readingHow to keep your dog calm and safe during 4th of July fireworks

No-pull harnesses for dogs who pull on a leash

For strong pullers and dogs who are hard to control on a leash, I recommend using a no-pull harness with a front clip and, ideally, a double connection leash. The front clip reduces the effect of pulling, and the double-connected leash gives you a little bit more control over the dog. Ideally, you use a no-pull harness as a temporary solution while trainingContinue readingNo-pull harnesses for dogs who pull on a leash